Love is her Heal

mind you, this is a novela about inner beauty and shedding your fat suit. Gorda Bella rules hard.


courtesy of the oddness over at

old news, i know...

but still...i lolz.

things are bad out there, you guys.

gross...i think your man can call his own damn doctor.

remember when?

although i massively object to the leather loincloth tit cover, methinks posh is looking real pretty and becks is a lovely looking retard:

just passing it on...

oh, hi michael phelps, it totally makes sense that you're here.

trolling the internet first thing in the morning--this is what i found:

PDA's BEEN awkward

crazy human.

oh, ok one more.

i'm sure you've seen it, but y'know:

ddddouble feature.

good art:

derivative, but in light of current shit, made me laugh: