Love is her Heal

mind you, this is a novela about inner beauty and shedding your fat suit. Gorda Bella rules hard.


courtesy of the oddness over at

old news, i know...

but still...i lolz.

things are bad out there, you guys.

gross...i think your man can call his own damn doctor.

remember when?

although i massively object to the leather loincloth tit cover, methinks posh is looking real pretty and becks is a lovely looking retard:

just passing it on...

oh, hi michael phelps, it totally makes sense that you're here.

trolling the internet first thing in the morning--this is what i found:

PDA's BEEN awkward

crazy human.

oh, ok one more.

i'm sure you've seen it, but y'know:

ddddouble feature.

good art:

derivative, but in light of current shit, made me laugh:


wait for it...

at first its just amazing...then it gets SUPER crazy good.
thanks for the tip patrick!


ooga chaka.

what medium do you prefer?

argh! couldn't embed it. but do yourself a favor, watch, this is art:

welcome to grad school

something special...

-matrix music

i'd like to introduce you to someone...

I was curious about Britain's Missing Top Model and so I went on their website and immediately i was prompted to read an interview with the last show's cast off conducted by someone they refer to only as 'db' (stands for decibels?), listen up:

"Hi, I'm Disability Bitch. I'm disabled and I love it. Everyone should be disabled. Everyone should be like me.

"I own an extensive collection of colour-coordinated wigs and an even more extensive collection of colour-coordinated mobility aids, all of which complement my natural beauty. Mostly I use a crutch, but when I want to slip into a pair of high heels - which makes it almost impossible for someone with my lack of balance to even think about walking - I have a wheelchair to match. Of course, I'd prefer to be carried around on a sedan chair. Preferably by semi-naked men. But even I can't have everything, more's the pity.

"I love gossip, especially gossip about disabled people. Barely a day goes by when I don't find myself scanning the tabloids for news of Heather Mills. And this summer, I'll no doubt be flicking through the papers for any juicy titbits about the blind and albino housemates in Big Brother.

"I eat doughnuts and I hate exercise. Quite frankly, I don't see why disabled people should have to do exercise in the first place.

tapping into the